I'm swamped with school assignments. Art history paper that is due tomorrow? Working on it right now. Actually, STARTING IT right now is more like it. Like you're surprised. Final art project? I have no idea when that's going to get done and thank the Lord it's not due till next week or I'd have a heart attack right now. Psychology presentation on Humanistic Therapy? Totally going to wing it, because I just don't care and the whole reason for the presentations are so that my lazy ass professor can sit back while her students do the actual teaching. She could have gone through all the different types of therapy in one class and saved us all the time and effort, but no, she springs it on us that we're going to be broken up into groups and present the therapies to each other.
I'm getting the feeling she's purposely trying to make my life difficult because not only does she spring the presentations on us without any warning, but like any good student, I take it in stride and make a group with my class friend, an intelligent and funny guy, and some other seemingly smart guy, but then she has the nerve to take me out of my own group and make me join some other girl, who in fact was already part of a group. Yeah, I'm still pissed at that. It was such an elementary school teacher move to make. "No, you and you, I want you two in a group. Come over here."
Finals are in two weeks, thank God, meaning that I'll only have to put with with this shit for a short time and then I can egg her car. And once school's done, I can concentrate on other things, like yoga and Downward Dog and how the weird hippy guy up in front needs to think about returning those lycra shorts, because, dude, I can totally see your man-business.
Ok, all that happened in my head. Gotta keep myself occupied.