Thursday, May 18, 2006

I have free time and I want to read?

That's right! I want a good book to read. I've been craving something worthwhile to consume and I just haven't had the time to put into looking for one. Not interested anything too weighty, like Tolstoy, or anything fluffly, like Evanovich. More in the middle, I guess. Thankfully all my classes have hit a lull in terms of tests and assignments -- the calm before the storm --, so this weekend will be my first in recent memory without any hideous college-related activies taking up all my precious "free" time. Pure bliss.

I taped Will & Grace, thus making it easier to fast forward through all the Will and Grace parts. Jack and Karen forever! The only reason I'm even watching it, though, is because it's the series finale and all. Sentimentallity gets me everytime.


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