Anything but Tom Cruises's wife.

Which NICOLE KIDMAN Character Are You?

"Ada" in COLD MOUNTAINYou're a girly girl, all swoony romanticism and heartbreaker beauty. But you've probably already learned that life is rough and joy can be fleeting. So get your hands dirty and live life to its fullest.
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Normally I avoid posting internet quizzes, but I don't have the will power this time. It's Nicole-centric, after all.
But I don't see a quiz?
Hey John. Just checking in. Check out my myspace sometime if you get a chance ... I think I remember saying you have one too.
I got "the Hours" because I am ugly and should kill myself before I depress the hell out of everyone. Happy new year, one of my resolutions is to be a better reader and writer. I miss you because I'm lame.
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