Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tapped Out.

My final art project has just been handed out: Chaos into Order, or, Order into Chaos.

We're supposed to incorporate any of the mediums or techniques we've used during the semester. I love the concept, but I'm just so tapped out on ideas. I continue to pull up blanks anytime I spend trying to hash out an idea. It's so frustrating knowing that the end is in reach and I'm thisclose to ending the class with an A but for the life of me cannot come up with jackshit.

I swear, each time I move I can hear the rattling of tin cans in my head.

Music has been playing constantly for the last few hours. Red House Painters. Sigur Ros. Xiu Xiu. Cat Power. Everybody that can conjure up images in my head in hopes of capturing it and turning it into art.

Nothing is happening.


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