Saturday, August 26, 2006

Jukebox Heartache

I'm very protective of the musical artists I love. Cat Power, Jeff Buckley, Sufjan Stevens. Defame them and I'm likely to punch you in the mouth. (Well, that's how it used to be before I ended up with probation. Stupid assault laws!)

So it pleases me greatly when other people not only like the same artists and songs, but have the ability to sing them as well. I would think as an artist it must be one of the highest honors to have someone want to sing your song because they've connected to it on a deeply personal level. Unless you're singing something by Coldplay, then you're just a douce. (Kidding, but not really.) And so thanks to YouTube, I present you with my two favorite videos of the week:

1. Amanda B. covering Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah", with a funny intro.

2. Matthew S. singing Ben Harper's "Waiting on an Angel." (Him being shirtless and rather cute had nothing to do with me watching it, oh, about six times. I swear.)

I came upon Amanda B's video through her website, which I'm a fan huge fan of. She's one of the most kind-hearted individuals you'll ever meet/read/stalk on the internet, even though she's raised orphaned squirrels back to health. Which I shall not hold against her, because as you all know squirrels are cute and cuddly-looking until they bite you on the face. She's just lucky she released them back into the wild before they had a chance to attack.

As for Matthew's video, I forget exactly how I came upon it, but that just means I'm one lucky fella and should thank my lucky stars for coming across it. He has two more videos, both superb covers of Sufjan Stevens songs.

Last piece of business before I go: 6things has made his final post, and that's a fucking shame. I've been a fan of his blog since I read his interview with Nathaniel of The Film Experience blog. Each of his blog entries are a series of numbered lists, hence the "6 things" title, and it's truly a unique way of communicating. You'd be hardpressed to find a journal as thoughtful, funny, and revealing of a writer's life as his, all wrapped up in a list of 6 things per post. Thankfully you can still check out all his wonderful entries through his archive. You won't be sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Unless you're singing something by Coldplay, then you're just a douce. "

Hehehe, I think I started reading you daily when I saw you diss Coldplay in a diaryland entry. Glad to see you're sticking to your values!

2:50 PM  

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