Sunday, July 23, 2006

Star of such movies as "Hole in One". I'm not kidding.

I can honestly say the last thing I expected from a Kaiser Permanente commerical featuring a soothing voice over from Allison Janney was to recognize a former gay porn actor.

The first time I saw the commercial, I almost blurted out that I recognized him from somewhere, but then I caught myself in mid-outburst, because the last thing you want to do in a living room full of your family members is to scream out the name of a man who's dick you've seen, even it was only through the computer screen. Unless your family's into that sort of thing. ("SCOTTY ROBERTSON. And it was so wrinkly!")

Anyway, the commerical's still in rotation and it makes me smile each time I see him kiss his Fake Asian Wife because I can't help but think about the OTHER things he's done with that mouth, and, man, were they naughty.


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